April 10, 2006

Why I'm Going to Business School...

I visited Darden this weekend, and had a great time!
In their school newspaper, they publish the most memorable quotes of the last two weeks... Here's a snippet of the quotes that were published...

Professor Davidson: What is Leadership?
Student: A noun.
Professor Davidson: I'm curious. What's the riskiest thing you've ever done?
Student1: Bull fighting
Student2: Sky-Diving and Bungee Jumping
Student3: Get married.
Student: It was in the 1970's when Disney moved from the children's entertainment industry to the adult entertainment industry
Professor Clawson: Why not just ask, point blank, "How do you allocate funds for projects period".
Student: Don't you mean question mark?
Professor Carraway: What I've said hasn't made sense, has it?
Student: You're the teacher. I assume what you say is right

Posted by Brice at April 10, 2006 09:55 PM