October 05, 2005

Eggs... and Potatos

Dear Diary.

Its been awhile. Maybe everyone's stopped reading. Now the only question is whether or not that's a good thing or a bad thing. =) (Am I the only person who writes a blog and wishes that no one would read it?)

I've been busy late. Too many things. Too little time. The irony is that my boss is the one who told me that I should do more things outside of work. But now that I'm doing more things, I'm even more tired (and slightly less happy). But I digress. Today's subject is : Eggs and Potatos.

Lately, I've taken to volunteering on the weekends. I used to do it alot when I was in high school - but I seem to have lost the philantrophic aspect of my personality lately - so it seems about time to get back in touch with it. (that's where the eggs and potatos come in. really!)

I actually really like food prep. not actual cooking - since that requires timing and mental thought. Just the prep portion. Its usually pretty mindless and repetitive. I've actually learned alot about myself from doing prep work. I learned that I have this sub-conscious need to optimize everything. The optimal way to make cheese sandwiches is to rip the top of the bag of bread open, and then add the cheese as if you're filing papers (trust me, I measured this out). The optimal way to make potatos is to add liquid before the powdered potatos soak it all up. And the optimal way to crack hundreds of eggs is to do them two at a time (one in each hand). I guess the side benefit is that one day, I might be able to impress a girl with this trick.

Anyways. who knew you could learn so much from eggs and potatos.

I hope all is well.

- Brice

Posted by Brice at October 5, 2005 09:57 PM